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Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Declaratie de interese


pdf Declaratie interese Chirita Vasile Popular

By 225 downloads

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declaratie interese Chirita Vasile .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Cosma Aurel 2 Popular

By 187 downloads

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declaratie interese Cosma Aurel 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Covatica Ovidiu Popular

By 173 downloads

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declaratie interese Covatica Ovidiu .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Cretu Mihaela 2 Popular

By 190 downloads

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declaratie interese Cretu Mihaela 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Grigore Benone 2 Popular

By 173 downloads

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declaratie interese Grigore Benone 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Grigore Gheorghita 2 Popular

By 106 downloads

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declaratie interese Grigore Gheorghita 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Grigori Vasilica 2

By 94 downloads

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declaratie interese Grigori Vasilica 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Iacob Danut 2 Popular

By 117 downloads

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declaratie interese Iacob Danut 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Paduraru Marian Gheorghita Popular

By 114 downloads

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declaratie interese Paduraru Marian Gheorghita .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Popescu Andrei Popular

By 116 downloads

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declaratie interese Popescu Andrei .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Raileanu Mihail Popular

By 103 downloads

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declaratie interese Raileanu Mihail .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Rusu Ilie

By 98 downloads

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declaratie interese Rusu Ilie .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Turcu Constantin Popular

By 110 downloads

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declaratie interese Turcu Constantin .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Ungureanu Valter 2

By 98 downloads

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declaratie interese Ungureanu Valter 2 .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Bighiu Laurentiu

By 97 downloads

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declaratie interese Bighiu Laurentiu .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Budasu Otilia Monica Popular

By 107 downloads

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declaratie interese Budasu Otilia Monica .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Chirila Mariana

By 95 downloads

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declaratie interese Chirila Mariana .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Cojoc Vicu Popular

By 101 downloads

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declaratie interese Cojoc Vicu .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Condur Costica

By 97 downloads

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declaratie interese Condur Costica .pdf

pdf Declaratie interese Cornea Valentin Popular

By 102 downloads

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declaratie interese Cornea Valentin .pdf

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