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Hotarari CL

hotarari cl

Hotararile CL sunt supuse votarii si se refera la buna functionare a comunitatii...

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Documente contabile

documente contabile

Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Declaratii de avere

declaratie de avere si interese

Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Printr-un singur click luati legatura cu noi privind problemele pe care le aveti

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Folder Taxe si impozite


default Buget General Cu Estimari 2014 Popular

By 798 downloads

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default anexa 4 la hot 52 din 2010 Popular

By 818 downloads

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anexa 4 la hot 52 din 2010 - lista facilitati.pdf

default anexa 3 la hota 52 din 2010 Popular

By 873 downloads

Download (pdf, 82 KB)

anexa 3 la hota 52 din 2010 - regulament.pdf

default anexa 2 la hot. 52 2010 - acte normative Popular

By 803 downloads

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anexa 2 la hot. 52 2010 - acte normative.pdf

default anexa 1 la hot 52 din 2010 - tablou taxe 2011 Popular

By 812 downloads

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anexa 1 la hot 52 din 2010 - tablou taxe 2011.pdf

default 52 hot.impozite si taxe locale 2011 Popular

By 856 downloads

Download (pdf, 195 KB)

52 hot.impozite si taxe locale 2011.pdf

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