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Folder Hotarari CL 2014


Folder Anexe hcl 2014


Toggle Title Download
default 19 hot rect. I buget local 04 2014 (466 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 178 KB)
default 18 hot. taxa speciala de salubrizare-2014 (586 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 172 KB)
default 17 hot. aprobare indicatori tehnico-economici Repararii curente fatada exterioara sediu Primarie-201 (505 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 114 KB)
default 16 hot. aprobare indicatori tehnico-economici Drum sat Radeni-2014 (405 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 113 KB)
default 15 hot. presedinte sedinta 04-2014 (436 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 88 KB)
default 14 hot. gospodarire 2014 (457 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 174 KB)
default 13 hot. aprobare PL 2014 resurse (458 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 127 KB)
default 12 hot.organigrama cons.local 2014 (447 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 100 KB)
default 11 hot. acordare prod PEAD rezerva-2014 (449 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 238 KB)
default 9 hot. vanzare teren domeniu privat Novac Daniel-2014 (674 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 131 KB)
default 8 hot. concesiune Dispensar-2014 (498 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 134 KB)
default 7 hot. presedinte sedinta 02-2014 (437 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 88 KB)
default 6 hot. trecere domeniu privat teren Dragomiresti-2014 (409 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 116 KB)
default 6 hot. trecere domeniu privat teren Dragomiresti-2014 (431 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 116 KB)
default 5 hot. buget 2014 (434 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 164 KB)
default 4 hot. acordare ajutoare urgenta-2014 (439 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 125 KB)
default 3 hot. taxa de divort-2014 (440 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 109 KB)
default 2 hot. asistenti personali 1 2014 (451 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 158 KB)
default 1 hot.plan servicii si lucrari aj. social 2014 (426 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 126 KB)
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