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Folder Hotarari CL 2015


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pdf 67 hot impozite si taxe locale pentru anul 2016 (578 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 508 KB)
pdf 66 hot prelungirea termenului de valabilitate a PUG (552 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 146 KB)
pdf 65 hot trecere domeniu privat teren 1000 Poiana Pietrei (543 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 116 KB)
pdf 64 hot presedinte sedinta 12 (553 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 88 KB)
pdf 63 hot rectificare VI (573 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 158 KB)
pdf 62 hot prelungire utilaje FNG (567 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 178 KB)
pdf 61 hot prelungire investitii FNG (569 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 178 KB)
pdf 60 hot aprobare documentatie de dezmembrare teren Vladia (676 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 93 KB)
pdf 59 hot strategie dezvoltare 2014 2020 (656 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 160 KB)
pdf 58 hot prelungire utilaje FNG (601 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 136 KB)
pdf 57 hot acordare ajutoare urgenta (603 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 124 KB)
pdf 56 hot rectificare V buget local Dragomiresti (590 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 152 KB)
pdf 55 hot dare in administrare Scoala Radeni (630 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 210 KB)
pdf 54 hot dare in administrare LTV (563 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 206 KB)
pdf 53 hot cont exercitiu bugetar Trim III 2015 (576 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 290 KB)
pdf 52 hot implementare Proiect extindere si dotare LTV (591 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 239 KB)
pdf 51 hot aprobare indicatori tehnico economici Liceu Vladia (547 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 177 KB)
pdf 50 hot actualizare IDP ului suprafete real masurate (579 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 144 KB)
pdf 49 hot Program deszapezire 2015 (594 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 226 KB)
pdf 48 hot desemnare rep comisie de evaluare Sc Gimnaziala Radeni (506 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 116 KB)
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