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Folder Hotarari CL 2015


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pdf 47 hot desemnare rep comisie de evaluare LTV (443 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 113 KB)
pdf 46 hot desemnare rep cons adm Scoala Gimnaziala Radeni (457 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 117 KB)
pdf 45 hot desemnare rep cons adm Liceul tehnologic Vladia (459 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 115 KB)
pdf Hotararea nr 41 2015 hot aprobare valoare investitie Dotare (456 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 107 KB)
pdf Hotararea 44 2015 hot rectif IV buget 29 09 2015 (480 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 152 KB)
pdf Hotararea 43 2015 hot presedinte sedinta 9 (450 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 88 KB)
pdf Hotararea 42 2015 hot aprobare valoare investitie Utilaje (456 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 104 KB)
pdf Hotararea 40 2015 hot rectif III buget 27 08 2015 (452 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 150 KB)
pdf Hotararea 39 2015 hot cont exercitiu bugetar Trim II 2015 (424 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 228 KB)
pdf Hotararea 38 2015 hot trecere domeniu privat teren 2075 Vladia (447 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 115 KB)
pdf Hotararea 37 2015 hot aprobare imprumut Finante (488 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 159 KB)
pdf Hotararea 36 2015 hot rectif II buget 30 07 2015 (454 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 152 KB)
pdf Hotararea 35 2015 hot validare cons Cosma Aurel (476 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 118 KB)
pdf Hotararea 34 2015 hot incetare mandat de consilier Baisan Vasilica demisie (395 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 88 KB)
pdf Hotararea 33 2015 hot validare cons Petrescu Dumitru (445 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 119 KB)
pdf Hotararea 32 2015 hot ghiseul ro (490 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 108 KB)
pdf 31 hot alegere viceprimar (481 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 146 KB)
pdf 30 hot modificare concesiune teren pasune Garofita (570 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 170 KB)
pdf 29 hot proiect Ro NET (558 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 229 KB)
pdf 27 hot proiect Ro NET (523 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 190 KB)
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