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Aici va sunt prezentate bugetul, bilantul, rectificarile si alte acte privind banii comunei

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Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Hotarari CL 2018


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pdf 69 hot impozite si taxe locale 2019 (630 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 617 KB)
pdf 68 hot rectificare X 2018 (400 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 229 KB)
pdf 67 hot prelungirea termenului de valabilitate a PUG (478 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 208 KB)
pdf 66 hot rectificare IX 2018 (399 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 229 KB)
pdf 65 hot presedinte sedinta 12 (452 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 157 KB)
pdf 64 hot rectificare VIII nov 2018 (338 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 227 KB)
pdf 63 hot actualizare IDP ului PRIVAT (378 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 297 KB)
pdf 62 hot cont exercitiu bugetar Trim III 2018 (306 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 259 KB)
pdf 61 HCL aprobare sf Reabilitare infrastructura rutiera (331 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 194 KB)
pdf 60 HCL implementare proiect 2018 (1) (354 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 192 KB)
pdf 59 HCL aprobare indicatori economici 2018 (1) (329 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 202 KB)
pdf 58 hot rectificare VII 2018 (3) (305 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 228 KB)
pdf 57 hot validare cons Taschina Nicolae Petru Maricel (353 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 203 KB)
pdf 56 hot incet mand cons Grigori Vasilica (291 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 141 KB)
pdf 55 HCL procedura POCU achizitie DRAGOMIRESTI PROCEDURA PROPRIE (1) (418 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 374 KB)
pdf 54 hot rectificare VI buget local 2018 (303 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 225 KB)
pdf 53 hot Program deszapezire 2018 (298 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 312 KB)
pdf 52 HCL ind teh ec Drum Doagele si Radeni (347 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 216 KB)
pdf 51 hot presedinte sedinta 10 (307 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 158 KB)
pdf 50 hot desemnare rep CEAC Sc Radeni (312 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 178 KB)
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