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Folder Hotarari CL 2018


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pdf 49 hot desemnare rep CEAC LTV (212 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 177 KB)
pdf 48 hot desemnare rep CA Scoala Gimnaziala Radeni (209 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 177 KB)
pdf 47 hot desemnare rep CA Liceul tehnologic Vladia (215 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 190 KB)
pdf 46 hot rectificare V buget local 2018 (207 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 246 KB)
pdf 45 hot consum carburant 2018 (200 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 193 KB)
pdf 44 HCL aprobare ind teh ec DC 141 Semenea (226 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 217 KB)
pdf 43 hot aprobare proiect si Acord Scoala Belzeni (202 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 233 KB)
pdf 42 hot amenajament pastoral (217 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 208 KB)
pdf 41 hot asistenti personali II 2018 (199 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 192 KB)
pdf 40 hot actualizare IDP ului PRIVAT (244 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 286 KB)
pdf 39 hot rectificare IV 2018 (214 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 227 KB)
pdf 38 hot cont exercitiu bugetar Trim II 2018 (200 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 258 KB)
pdf 37 hot taxa speciala de salubrizare (220 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 226 KB)
pdf 36 hot presedinte sedinta 7 (197 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 155 KB)
pdf 35 hot organigrama cons local 2018 (214 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 122 KB)
pdf 34 HCL acordare mandat special ADI APC (212 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 150 KB)
pdf 33 hot actualizare IDP ului suprafete real masurate strazi (199 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 285 KB)
pdf 32 hot presedinte sedinta 7 (192 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 157 KB)
pdf 31 hot rectificare III 2018 (214 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 248 KB)
pdf 30 HCL implementare proiect (336 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 274 KB)
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