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Aici gasiti declaratiile de avere si interese ale membrilor CL si functionarilor publici...

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Folder Hotarari CL 2018


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pdf 29 HCL aprobare indicatori economici (202 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 181 KB)
pdf 28 hot cont exercitiu bugetar Trim I 2018 (215 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 258 KB)
pdf 27 hot incheiere exercitiu 2017 (207 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 232 KB)
pdf 25 hot actualizare IDP ului PRIVAT (210 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 298 KB)
pdf 24 hot gospodarire 2018 (208 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 270 KB)
pdf 23 hot aprobare PL 2018 resurse (213 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 188 KB)
pdf 22 hot rectificare II 2018 buna (228 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 241 KB)
pdf 21 hot presedinte sedinta 4 (223 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 156 KB)
pdf 20 HCL delegarea gestiunii serviciilor rev (213 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 186 KB)
pdf 19 HCL scoatere din functiune si casare bunuri (208 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 201 KB)
pdf 18 hot PLAN formare profesionala FP 2018 (215 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 245 KB)
pdf 17 hot PLAN OCUPARE FP 2018 (201 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 265 KB)
pdf 16 hot aprobare contract de voluntariat SVSU 2018 (218 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 159 KB)
pdf 15 hot revocare HCL 8 2018 ajutor de urgenta (208 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 197 KB)
pdf 14 hot rectificare I 2018 09 03 2018 (213 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 304 KB)
pdf 13 hot cont exercitiu bugetar Trim IV 2017 (200 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 259 KB)
pdf 12 hot asistenti personali 1 2018 (200 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 173 KB)
pdf 11 hot buget 2018 (195 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 242 KB)
pdf 10 hot deblocare si utilizare fond rulment 2017 (201 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 235 KB)
pdf 9 hot validare cons Cojoc Vicu (214 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 210 KB)
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